Friday, May 17, 2013

When you’re running on trails, you’re continuously adjusting your stride to accommodate
rocks, dips and turns. Your yoga practice helps you navigate uneven terrain with control and agility, and protects you from injury. Standing poses improve balance and coordination and encourage the development of even strength throughout the leg, a key to preventing injury. “The more you can strengthen all of the muscles around your joints, the less vulnerable those areas are,”

The core strength you gain from yoga also serves you well on the trail. Strong abdominal and back muscles keep your torso upright and your pelvis in healthy alignment  allowing you to move more efficiently “The core is like mission control,”
“The more connected you are to your core when you are dodging rocks and trees, the more effective you are going to be in responding.” To stay in top trail-running form, warming up before your run with Sun Salutations and including the poses shown here in your regular yoga practice.



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